Do you want to find out about a fun new way to build and bond teams?

Do you appreciate your staff but don’t really know what they think of each other?

Can you see the strengths and qualities that they bring to your company but you haven’t thought of how they could use them to strengthen the team?

Do you struggle to think of a team building exercise that goes beyond going out for nice meal and few drinks?

I’ve put together a fun exercise that gives team members of any level or discipline the chance to appreciate each other in a safe and positive environment.

Your team members and colleagues will learn things about themselves that they haven’t appreciated before, and they’ll be able to show their appreciation to others.

There are many additional byproducts but the bottom line is a session that leaves everyone energised and feeling good.

We live in a world where default behaviour can be to criticise and put someone down ( often misguidedly). I want to change that.

This is what Dawn Barber of Newcastle United Foundation said after her session.

“After a number of changes in our team I was keen to bring staff together in motivational team building activity.  The Totem challenge set by Suzanne was a brilliant way to recognise individuals performance whilst also highlighting individuals key strengths and capabilities. 

A combination of the activity and Suzanne’s warmth and support as an facilitator meant that the team felt at ease to share praise and feedback on their colleagues and gained valuable insight into how they were perceived by their peers. 

This activity has really brought us closer together as a team, honestly blown away by how the exercise allowed people to open up about their feelings and it was so lovely to see just how much positive affirmation has an effect on morale and team spirit.”